Lives like water
flowing past my place in the river
Dark stories
Eddies of grief and need.
Do I offer a genuine harbor
Or a weak line tied to a branch?
Lives bounce on little waves
Keeping heads above the water
That’s all it takes sometimes
But when can they paddle to the edge
To stand and rest as the river flows past?
I’ve got a little extra to offer
Something unexpected
Here is a float to hold
Here is a paddle if you are lucky enough to have a craft
Without a boat
We are bobbing in the river of life.
When we fall below the surface
Wondering if it’s worth the effort
Will anyone throw a life raft?
We grasp as if for a floating log
Help me hold onto a branch
To keep from being swept away.
Help me
Help me
Lives like water flowing past
Fast and rough
Slow and placid
Water, ever flowing
Like life
Like wind
Like thoughts
Are we swimmers or are we flotsam?
We’re all paddling toward another shore
Mist off the water as a new day dawns
It obscures our fates
As it awaits the mid day sun
Lives like water
Drops in the river
Flow down to the ocean of being
That is all being
As the river changes the life
The life in turn changes the river.
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