Love and all that


Clouds over snow sun shining on mountains
Driving along the eastern sierra
Rocks strewn in beauty
Hearts feeling hearts
joining hearts
overwhelmed by history and present
A gift to each other
this glorious day

Hearts joined
in the emotion of mountains and vistas
Light over all
this glorious day
Gently gazing in eyes
as souls strived to joining
imperfect sense
of this glorious day
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 05/23/15

Morning coffee from the Titanic
New music Old friends
Old music and new friends
Relatives of old friends
New ways of seeing things already known
Love and all that

New smiles Old styles
Doing things the same old way
Smiling and laughing at the whole new day
Finding people you already know
Knowing you’ll find people out of the blue
Love and all that

Pink roses Bright eyes
Bright eyes happily looking
Pink roses framing a view of beauty
New friends becoming old friends some time to be
A vision of the present
Blessed vision of the future
Love and all that
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 06/02/15 @brew

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