The first installment with the introduction is here
The seventh installment is here.
All is contained in the present, eternal, moment. There is no measured time at this place, no future, neither is there a past. I am in the eternal moment, the limitless, infinite, now. My spirit is deathless, immortal, and through it I am in touch with all wisdom, all beauty, and all goodness. In this eternal now I rest sustained, supported, and comforted.
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Lift you spirits high. It is so true that it is not a question of fighting but rather a need of lifting…. Will you succeed the first time? I do not know. Does it matter? Lift your spirit and you will hear the guiding voice and know the joy that is fulfilling.
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Keep awareness, like a finger touching a spot. Keep awareness of the presence in one-ness with the inner you; to be aware of the Creator all about you and in every activity of your daily life.
Turn to the light. Turn to it; stretch out the finger of your mind and touch this light. Touch it. Touch it all through the day and it will clear the mind of vain imagining, of fearful thoughts. Touch with your mind this high state, this high spirit, this light where you are!
<><><><><><><><><><><><><> page 93
“The perfection of the soul consists not in speaking, nor in thinking much on the Creator, but in loving the Creator sufficiently.” Miguel de Molinas, 1640-1967
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It is the eternal struggle; the world so dramatic, so exciting; the spirit so gentle, so still.
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You are not asked to examine your faults for longer than it takes to be aware of them.
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All rests in feelings and emotions of the heart; they are like great living currents – hot waters and cold waters, boiling liquid emotion or iced and frozen secret feeling. How resentment freezes itself and keeps fresh and alive in ice!
All is feeling – terrible, stark, animal feeling. Transmute it with love, for love changes emotion to another state; it melts ice and changes fire to cool peace of thought.
Your gentleness will make you great. Be on guard and watch the temptation of judgment. Fill yourself with the guardianship of love itself and walk among men and women who have their own burdens. You will help release them; and by so much kindness you will bring the kingdom of heaven nearer.
<><><><><><><><><><><><><> page 98
You will learn to rest in vigilance…. You will begin to see the importance of this vigil; how concentrated, how powerful, how impersonal and how stern it is. …Sins are the veils and chains and heaviness that keep your feet in swamps… Fight the good fight and be shriven of all non-essentials. Catch the idle moment and retrieve it to everlasting glory and joy.
Vigilance to the presence of the Creator each and every moment is our salvation. So go you way, perfect in intent.
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The next installment is here.
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