The prodigal

013115 San Francisco
Not a thing to see
Except Orion skipping
Across the night sky
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 01/07/15

Happy was the day.
Happy was the mother and father.
Happy and full of all that is good.
Oh, happy day
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 12/13/14

The prodigal jumped and ran from reality
Creating a whole new reality
The flights of fancy and insight
Bore fruit in fright and sad insight
On the depths of diffusion and confusion
The wondering, about wandering spread in profusion
To friends far and wide that rushed to the side
Of family and loved ones who could not abide
To wait with their heartache and not try to take
Every chance in the world to let it be heard
The prodigal is lost in his mind and the world
Those who love him so dearly can see this too clearly

The prodigal found our hearts are unbound
until we realize that not in his eyes
is he back here among us in a way we can trust
Lost inside his head because medicine is dread
unable to see with any objective clarity
he should do what he’s told until reality regains hold
the space he’s in now will hurt him somehow

Of this we are certain so this is our burden
can he accept guidance given from hearts which are driven
to grief by intransigence and afraid of results so calamitous
Come back to us now, we beg you somehow
accept the advise as our sign of grace

You were lost in a void and nearly destroyed
We could see what you can’t, together we chant
we love you, listen to words that are true
We care and call you to dare to prove you love us too
by doing what you must because in us you can trust

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 02/01/15 02/05/15

Oh truth, being what is, being here and now, being in the goodness and the badness. Behold the light and the strength of a heart in its sadness. Be, and hold, the best of all that is and was. Crushed souls are souls nonetheless, tonight and tomorrow. Hearts and minds move, forward or back, sometimes at the same time. Thus is life. Thus.
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 03/11/15
013115 San Francisco

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