Orion returns in the Fall

Chateau Diana 102613-07
The sky does not change
Like the earthly dwellers do
Orion still runs
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 10/14/13

Orion at dawn
Moving across a dark sky
Lifts my lonely heart
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 10/18/13

Misty morning fog
Like a mind’s sadness and grief
Dissipates slowly
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 10/22/13

Orion does the
Same thing every day, running
Why can’t I do that?
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 11/01/13

Fall leaves

Gerry Avatar

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