Somewhere in California

Somewhere in California a lawn mower whines.

Somewhere in California an old woman lays dying.

Somewhere an old man holds her hand.

Somewhere in California thoughts turn to better times.

Somewhere in California a lawn mower whines.

An old man hears the mundane sounds as his loving wife sighs.

Somewhere in California a neighbor picks apples

And the Summer turns to Fall.

Somewhere a young girl dances on chalk marks on the sidewalk.

A father gazes at her motion as he rakes the leaves.

Somewhere in California the tasks and trials and joys of a lifetime

mix with the sounds of the moment.

Somewhere in California

Somewhere a young man grows and explores

Somewhere in California a cool wind blows

Bringing the breathe of Autumn

Somewhere a neighbor starts a car and drives off to work.

Somewhere an old woman’s breathe grows shallow,

Her mind moves slow.

Somewhere in California a night bird calls

Like a sigh at the fresh new dawn.


Somewhere in my neighborhood.


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2 responses to “Somewhere in California”

  1. Gerry La Londe-Berg Avatar
    Gerry La Londe-Berg

    Somewhere in California a night bird calls

  2. […] in California A man moves on To join the world of spirit Somewhere in California […]

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