Poem – In the Mind of the Creator 12/01/1999

In the Mind of the Creator

You alone, in the mind of the Creator, fulfill your piece of God’s plan for creation.

Only you are there, in your place, to offer a kind word or a helping hand to the other person you are with.

As people, we sometimes ask for the Creator’s intervention in our lives.
The Creator usually doesn’t come down directly and tap us on the shoulder and say, “Here I am, let me intervene.” Far more often the Creator inspires another human being to be kind, or good, or take action.

Sometimes, you alone, in the mind of the Creator,
are the one instrument of God.

If you alone, in the mind of the Creator,
are to be an instrument of the Creator’s intervention
in another person’s life,
you must choose to be open to such influence.

Be open to the Creator.
Be open to being the instrument of God.
Be aware that other people are usually the answer bearers to your prayers.
Be open so that you may be the Creator’s answer
to some other person’s prayers.

You alone, in the mind of the Creator,
can accept the Creator’s influence in your life.


A person’s response to being the instruments of the Creator’s intervention;
this is what is meant when we say that human beings have free choice.
The choice is to freely be the instrument of the Creator.
St. Francis said, “It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”
He may have meant physical dying. More likely he meant the dying of selfishness, and the openness to be an instrument of the Creator’s mercy.


To be alone in the Mind of the Creator would be a vast, but special, space.

Gerry Avatar

5 responses to “Poem – In the Mind of the Creator 12/01/1999”

  1. […] [It took me six (6) years to read this book the first time. I was convinced that some deep answers lay in the pages. One was that the “pearl of great price” is the realization that the Creator is within each person and the goal of personhood is to humbly be a channel for the Creator’s action in the world without resisting. See also an earlier view.] […]

  2. […] is to humbly be a channel for the Creator’s action in the world without resisting. See also an earlier view.] […]

  3. […] And it is in dying That we are born to eternal life. It is not the dying in physical death. It is the dying Of selfishness and self centeredness. That is the death we should desire. […]

  4. […] poem is the third in a group, one which followed the other, and now […]

  5. Mary S Avatar
    Mary S

    Ok. You are right. This is a beautiful massage to all. Full of insight, awareness and acceptance. I think I needed it today, too! Thank you Gerry!

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