Posted On Poems
Alas, a poem for Anne
The wind came up The field grasses wavered And bent on their stems Two white butterflies Flew through the meadow Dancing around each other Floating…
Posted On Poems
The sunlight belongs to all
Redwood trees of the California Coast have stood strong for hundreds and thousands of years. When someone visits these incredibly large trees along the “Avenue…
Posted On Poems
rhythm of wood
I’ve been to that tree twisted in the winds of time limbs held to the sky for Mark 02/06/15 I have forgotten more than I…
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Light on a redwood tree
Find a place to stop and sit while light and orbit shift To here and there, or there and here, or where we are to…
Posted On Poems
Petrified Forest, Sonoma County, California, Earth
Being in a place looking at the ground Where three and a half million years ago trees were blown down. Forces in the earth reached…